Beautiful clothing from Canada & Europe.

About Us : A Few Beautiful Things

At Madison & Muse,                                 we love beautiful,
timeless pieces sourced from                  countries that take pride in
their products, process and people.  We delight in our Spanish floor
mats, Belgian linens, French soap, market baskets and more. Our clothing
lines, whether from Denmark, Sweden, Spain or Canada, all have one thing in
 common - they are made to last.  We don't do trends. We believe in slow fashion,
   investing in timeless pieces premised on the concept that it is environmentally
responsible and personally luxurious to have a small number of beautiful,
high quality belongings.  In terms of customer service, we endeavor to
help you pull together home decor and clothing that suits you,
your tastes and individual style, exactly as you are. We are
truly grateful that you  continue to choose to
shop  with us.  With appreciation,
our sincere thanks.
Madison & Muse